Six Steps to Setting and Finally Reaching Your Goals
19 May, 2022
June has now arrived, a sign that the school year is already over! Did you see her pass? June passes both quickly and slowly; the wait for the holidays to arrive can seem endless and motivation is sometimes hard to find. Why not set a new goal to motivate yourself? We all have small or big things that we would like to accomplish or change in order to improve our quality of life: start or resume running, cook homemade snacks, drink more water, read every day, meditate more often. .. No matter what goal you would like to achieve, it can be difficult to start working on it and to maintain the effort to achieve it. Here are some steps to follow to help you choose a goal and, above all, to achieve it!
1- Choose an objective
First, you have to choose an objective; mainly make sure that this one really matters to you. Why do you want to achieve this goal? What motivates you? It's easier to take action when we have a good reason to do so. Finally, don't hesitate to display your objective and its “why” prominently.
2- Formulate the objective
To formulate a goal that you will actually be able to achieve, we advise you to set yourself a SMART goal , that is to say specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and time-bound . A goal formulated in this way will keep you motivated more easily since you will be able to concretely follow your progress and will know exactly when you have reached it.
3- Prepare the installation
In order to be able to achieve your goal, you can break it down into small steps and consider including the preparation necessary for its implementation . Where are you going to start? What do you need to do to be able to take that first step? Do you have everything you need at home? What do you need?
4- Integrate it into the routine
In order to put the odds on your side to achieve your goal, we suggest that you integrate it into an already well-established routine . What time of the day or week are you going to take action? Try to find the ideal moment and do not hesitate to modify it if you realize that it does not fit well at this moment of your schedule.
5- Reward yourself
When one of the steps towards reaching your goal is completed, reward yourself! Prefer small daily rewards to a large expense only realized when reaching your final goal . Choose something that you like and that makes you feel good. So you can choose to run, read or meditate before you even have your coffee in the morning. Your efforts will then be rewarded with a tasty coffee.
6- Take the first step
Finally, start ! The first step is often the most difficult. Finally, if the elements you have put in place do not work, do not hesitate to make changes.
So what will your goal be?
To help you achieve all these steps towards achieving your goals, download our little trick !