Our scale of values: concrete examples to define it
07 November, 2022
As human beings, we all have values that are dear to us and that we not only want to respect on a daily basis, but also to pass on to our children. Moreover, these are the same values that we should always bear in mind when the time comes to make decisions that could eventually occupy a significant part of our time or affect family daily life. Our scale of values acts as a kind of parental compass , which allows us to ensure that our decisions and our actions always correspond to the principles that we value . It is what helps us choose the members of our entourage as much as the products we buy, the activities we engage in and the goals we set for ourselves. As demonstrated in the book Les Belles Combines, here is a concrete example of the impact of family values on the choice, in this case, of an extracurricular activity for our children .
Value: Family
As the swimming lessons take place on Saturday mornings and are one hour long, in addition to the preparations before and after the lesson, they end up taking up a large part of the weekend and the time that it would be rather possible to pass in family.
The piano:
Piano lessons take place on Tuesday evenings and last only 30 minutes, without requiring long preparations. In addition, they have the advantage of not encroaching on free time on weekends with the family.
Value: Pleasure and slowness
Our children love to swim and enjoy the municipal swimming pool, but nothing prevents us from going there with the family and taking advantage of the free swims on schedule.
The piano:
Children love to play the piano, which at first glance is more difficult to devote to as a family. In addition, the practice of this instrument does not interfere with weekend family activities.
Value: Health
Although swimming is a sport that allows children to move, it does not allow every member of the family to move at the same time and often requires children to sit quietly for the duration of their siblings' lesson. Moreover, if as parents we have to spend a good part of our Saturdays running from one lesson to another, then it is difficult for us to find time to get active.
The piano:
Obviously, the piano is not a sporting activity, but since it takes up little time in our family agenda, it does not deprive us of the time necessary to move as a family.
To help you decide for yourself which values are most important to you and your family , take a moment to complete your own family values scale !