The Les Belles Combines method for buying children's clothes

07 November, 2022

As a Quebec parent, each season we face the sometimes long and arduous task of sorting through the clothes of each child (whether we have one, three or seven!) so that each one has the necessary wardrobe adapted not only to their growing body, but also to the temperature of the coming months. Because at Les Belles Combines, we like to simplify your life, we have designed for you the perfect little combination that will effectively assist you in this task. Follow these few tips, pour yourself a beverage of your choice and get to work!

Step 1:

Take the time to wash all of the children's clothes , so that you have everything you have on hand and don't forget any items at the bottom of the laundry basket!

Step 2:

Place the clothes in categories in front of you or in the children's drawers/closets so that you can clearly see how many of each item (pants, sweaters, etc.) each person has. The Les Belles Combines tip so you don't have to do laundry several times a week? Place a clothing kit for each day of the week (t-shirt and shorts in summer, long-sleeved sweater and pants in winter) and per child. This will quickly show you the pieces you need to get. Don't forget to leave space for underwear and pieces for special occasions!

Step 3:

Before purchasing new items, take the time to check your older children's clothing bins (ideally well-organized and clearly labeled !) to see if there are any pieces that could complement your younger children's wardrobe.

Step 4:

Take a moment to take each of your children's measurements and write them down in the space provided in your Little Guide to Buying Clothes . Then fill out a sheet for each child, where you will note the quantities needed, in stock and to buy for each piece on the list. Then sit back and go online to find some great finds or put on your best sneakers for a real shopping session!

Things to have on hand:

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