Family resolutions in the kitchen, what do you add to the menu?
04 January, 2020
Ha! New Year and resolutions. For a long time, resolutions rhymed with weight loss or unrealistic dietary goals. That may still be the case, but people have realized that it didn't last long. It is even less and less positive to make resolutions so it is known that they are only beautiful words. What if the New Year made it possible to make a real reflection in the family's diet? That is what I invite you to do now.
Resolutions for the parent who wants to improve meal management
How do you describe your family's diet? Do you consider children difficult? Do you feel like you're still eating the same thing? Is groceries too expensive? Here are some great lines of thought that allow you to set realistic goals in order to meet a real need. And since these are goals related to the family's diet, everyone can participate in the realization of these. Here are some goals that could help overcome some of these challenges: - Plan 5 dinners a week to reduce catering or restaurant costs. Plan the menu in advance, ideally on Thursdays, so you don't have to be at the last minute on Saturday morning before leaving for groceries and end up buying only the usual foods and always eating the same thing. Try the Repas in the center of the tableself-service, a miracle solution for difficult children. Involve children in meal planning. Accept "help" from your young children when cooking, even if it is more messy or longer. Resolutions for the middle parent who wants to take the next step During the year, there have probably been great successes and improvements related to the family's diet, here are some ideas to continue in this direction: Kids love to cook with you? Why not put more recipes on the schedule to make as a family. You're not going to be sure still eat together? It's time to try to integrate the habit of meals at the centre self-service table. Do you eat one vegetarian meal a week? Would it be possible to include a second one?
Resolutions for the parent who wants to vary the family's diet!
Previous ideas are particularly related to eating behaviour and meal organization. It is possible to set goals for food choices. A word of advice: avoid drastic changes and ensure that the goals are aimed at making progress in improving eating habits. Also, make sure your new resolutions are aimed at the entire family. Examples include nuts every week: nut butter to offer on toast, toasted nuts on salads, yogurt or oatmeal.
Discover a new protein to vary meals: tempeh, lupin, lamb, mackerel, etc. - Decrease pre-packaged foods and replace them with homemade versions. Limit the purchase of juice to special occasions. Discover 3 ways to season natural popcorn. Make a smoothie every morning to accompany lunch. After reading this article, why not take stock of the year on the family food side? In light of your thoughts and objectives, choose 1 to 5 small concrete and realistic goals. Then you just have to include them in meal planning and be consistent. Don't panic if certain goals aren't on the menu, don't aim for perfection. In a context of improvement, there is no pressure.