Family Council - Our Well-being

15 August, 2024

In our ever-changing world, it is crucial to take a moment to focus on our well-being and that of our loved ones. For your next family council, we invite you to discuss the importance of well-being in your daily life.

Start by defining what wellness means to each family member. Is it about physical health, mental well-being, emotional balance, or a combination of all of these?

Next, discuss habits that promote well-being in your family. Whether it’s exercise, creative hobbies, meditation, or simply spending time together, what activities contribute to your overall well-being?

Finally, consider ways (such as family relaxation activities, discussion time, or sharing tasks to reduce daily stress) that families can support each other in their pursuit of well-being.

Conclude your family council by setting individual and collective wellness goals together. These goals should be achievable and measurable, such as adopting a new wellness activity or improving eating habits, for example.