To turn off volcanoes and prevent explosions
10 January, 2020
As parents, there may be the impression of being in perpetual/continual management of the behaviour of our children! I have a good news for you! That is normal! Our minis are shaping up as an individual, and it is we, parents, with our support and discipline that will help them grow. Discipline! Wow! It's a big concept that has evolved a lot in the last few decades. If I look at the disciplinary model that my parents used in relation to our model at home, there are things that come back and there are things I don't want to reproduce. Mentalities have changed, ways of doing things as well. And that's perfect! In this article, I will try to help you understand the different spheres of discipline and I will propose ways to manage the more difficult behaviours. C, the letter to remember! There are different theoretical models, to explain to you quickly the discipline, I pigmented here and there the ideas that talked to me the most. It's easy to remember, all the keywords begin with the letter C. For each keyword, I give you a brief explanation, but also an example.
- Constance: Maintain its requirements over time.
- Coherence: To be an example.
- Clear and short lines: Be concise.
- Consequence: Remain logical
- Crete: Building on the positive
- Positive reinforcement:
- Modeling:
- Humour:
- Choices:
- The organization of space:
- The Family Council:
1 comment
Je viens de découvrir votre site, une petite merveille! Merci beaucoup, très bien verbalisé!