Sickness or comedy? Personal Education Leave Agreement.
04 October, 2017
As a child, haven't you pretended to be sick to stay at home? Me, a little girl, I had taken an infallible thing in the E.T. movie where the young Elliot glue his thermometer on a light bulb to push up his temperature. At 48 degrees Celsius of fever, my mother even sent me to school that morning.
I promised to find a better trick next time. So I tried belly ache, headache and other diseases that couldn't be tested. My new strategies worked so well that, as an adult, they were still serving me when I was in my first jobs. In addition to the cost to society and my employers, these apologies have also brought me a lot of anxiety, guilt and devaluation. Morally, I knew it wasn't very honest on my part.
When my big began elementary school, suddenly he was taken from a strange malaise that prevented him from moving only when I was in the same room as he was. I promised myself that my children would not enter this circle of falsehood and feints. There were too many drawbacks for the meagre profits they would take in the short term. So we, my lover and I, agreed on the best strategy: boys would be entitled to personal leave during the school year.
Here are the provisions of the family convention on personal leave that are largely inspired by what is happening in the world of work. Each child has 2 days of personal leave per school year.
1. The remaining leave is payable at a rate of 5 per day not taken at the end of the school year.
2. A leave of absence is allowed and is authorized by a parent on the basis of availability.
3. It cannot be requested in the morning itself.
4. It cannot be taken to avoid control, examination or presentation.
5. It cannot be taken in the first 30 days or the last 30 days of the school year.
During his day off, he is free to do the activities he wants to distract and have fun. On the other hand, during a sick day, he must do everything to get back on his feet as quickly as possible. This means that this day goes to bed with, for only distraction, a book.
This family leave convention allows our children to experience and experience several things:
- Education is an important value in our family
- Their physical and mental well-being is considered important
- Planning fun with fun
- The lie does not pay
- Being ill is unpleasant
- Choosing between time and money is not always easy
- Deferred gratuity has advantages
- The immediacy has disadvantages
I sincerely believe that the fact that they have given them the freedom to choose has allowed them to gain autonomy and to develop their sense of commitment and responsibility.