This story that marks the child's imagination

17 August, 2018

This story that marks the child's imagination The years pass so quickly... and the moments when I could sit next to my parents and hear their voices tell me stories are well and far behind me. However, I am surprised, even today, to remember some of the stories that were told to me when I was only 4 or 5 years old. In fact, it may not be the words as such that come to mind, but rather this wonderful feeling of being bundled up under my blankets and feeling the whisper of my parents who made me visit a fantastic world, or me alone was the adventurer. The stories my parents told me were not the most original, but they came from the heart and were very much loving and affectionate. How many times have I heard the same story... In fact, I asked every night for the same tales; those who made me live laughter, joys, tears and intrigues. Today, I am happy to have been able to experience such moments, because I am able to bring this same pleasure to my students during group reading. But what are the keys to "success" for a successful reading and that will bring multitudes of guaranteed emotions?
  • The fun: An interesting reading requires assurance and mutual pleasure. Avoid taking a book that makes you nauseous, because in fact, quickly the child will be able to feel your negative emotion and it may not have the desired impact, which is to have a good time together and discover the pleasure of reading.
  Dare to create a special atmosphere around reading. For example, make a reading tent, turn off the lights and use a flashlight to light up.  
  • The discovery: There are many types of readings and many kinds of books. In fact, it is always interesting to ask the child about the kind of story he likes (it is also possible to give a note of satisfaction to the reading we have just made). It may be that the story before us is by far the one we thought we would have read at that time. Rereading the same story is just as correct. In fact, children need multiple readings to really assimilate all the information they receive.
  Remember that it is also possible to vary the readings a little. One evening, the child can choose the story he wants and the next day it is the adult's turn to choose from the books in the family library.   To vary the type of reading, it is also possible to look around you; you will be impressed by the number of things you can read with your child (park poster, traffic sign, street names, cereal boxes, etc.). By varying in this way, it allows the child to discover other kinds of readings and to build his own understanding of the world.  
  • Interpretation: Some children may have difficulty keeping an eye on reading; well, be imaginative. Dare to interpret characters, change your voice and your voice intonations. For example, if the character says a secret, you can lower your voice and whisper or conversely raise the tone if the hero screams. Small trick: practice your voices before you start reading, you will have greater ease.
  • The subject: Since children do not interpret realities in the same way as adults, it is just as important to take ownership of the reading of the book as it is to read the book itself. Some books may startle you and sometimes make you uncomfortable in front of the child.
  I remember the book Pinocchio (such a beautiful story), but which featured bandits wanting to stab our boy;  but noticing his hardwood body, they leave him alone in the forest with the rope around his neck... Imagine my reaction to reading and viewing these images and now try to wear a child's "glasses" ...  
  • Communication: Asking your child questions validates their understanding and thereby stimulates communication: What do you think will happen to the character... You, what would you have done in the place of the character... Count the number of chats on this page...
  And why not ask our child to read us his favorite book. Although he may not be able to read yet, he will be able to tell you what he understands or sees within the pages (be careful: To facilitate exercise, use a book containing clear and good-sized images).  
  • Body awareness: While reading can sometimes seem like a relaxing moment, it's also possible to take advantage of this moment to get your child moving: Can you walk around like a dog... Are you able to jump as high as the character? Thus, the child with less interest in reading will be able to find some pleasure.
  • Advocate for example: As a parent, we are our child's first role model. Don't hesitate to read in front of your child, say aloud what is written on the restaurant menu or in the recipe book, for example. The goal is simple; encourage the child to explore words as well.
  Making a difference only takes a few minutes a day. Use the moments that will suit your schedule (before sleeping, in the car, in the restaurant...). As the key to success is obviously very different for everyone, I invite you, at this moment, to close your eyes and remember your favorite book... take the time to remember where you were, the surrounding smells, the weather, the emotions you felt, etc. And now you are ready to pass the torch and become a bearer of sensation and to discover this story that will mark the imagination of your child. What will be your next reading?