Dominique's finds to make homework easier
17 August, 2022
The period of homework and lessons does not have to be long and boring. Here are Dominique's finds to jazz up this period of learning at home! Your kids will be much more collaborative if it's fun.
centimath cubes
These cubes will be useful for many math learning. Your children can count them, use them to calculate, use them to learn to measure, etc.
Magnetic letters and numbers and a whiteboard
You can use them to work on vocabulary words and operations. The whiteboard and erasable pencils can be used for writing sentences and several other learnings.
flash cards
These cards will allow your children to learn their tables of the four operations in a fun way. In addition, you can drag them everywhere to practice them during waiting times.
A conjugation game
Learning verb conjugation is not always easy. Add a touch of fun with this game.
fishing for letters
Another fun way to work on vocabulary words! You can also use them for learning the alphabet and letter sounds.